Application Modernisation from ActionPoint

Why Application Modernisation from ActionPoint?

Basing core business on old, unsupported legacy systems can present significant challenges for businesses. Outdated proprietary software can restrict business growth and reduce competitiveness. Persisting for too long can lead to compliancy issues, irrelevance and even obsolescence. The decision to modernise applications with the help of an experienced technology partner will have a profound impact on business.

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Following the success of a large software project, we knew ActionPoint was a company with the highest technical and ethical standards. They have been our IT partner for the past 7 years and their commitment and dedication to excellence is second to none. As a firm always looking to the future, we need a partner that shares our vision and ActionPoint is exactly that.

James Pierse,
IT Manager at Pierse Fitzgibbon Solicitors

A move to the cloud has helped MPCC to transform its Credit Union and improve customer experience. READ MORE
A growing customer base fueled by expansion meant that a rethink in IT strategy was required for the team at St.Francis’ Credit Union. READ MORE

“Through the development of full motor quote, ActionPoint enabled Chill to generate quotes faster, vastly improving both operational efficiency and customer experience as a result. The later development of ‘save and retrieve’ was a huge commercial success and underpinned the huge strategic importance of application modernisation."

John Riordan, CIO
Read Story Chill Logo

Why Application Modernisation from ActionPoint?

 Increased Efficiency

When core business applications are based on outdated technologies, business is not being carried out at an optimum level. Through updating the underlying software, application performance improves exponentially. This not only enhances your business offering but leads to increased productivity within the workplace.

 Increased Agility

Application Modernisation traditionally included moving from on-prem to cloud, however, ActionPoint are also helping customers to transforms existing cloud applications. Over 90% of Fortune 500 companies have moved to the Azure cloud as it offers greater reliability, scalability and performance. Through using a more agile cloud-based solution, your business is better equipped to deal with the multi-platform nature of modern business.

 Reduce Costs

Outdated and unreliable legacy applications can become a major cost burden on an organisation. Application Modernisation can greatly reduce costs by operating on a more efficient, modern IT infrastructure. This will allow businesses to save in areas such as maintenance and management of legacy systems, capital expenditure and labour.

 Revenue Generation

While an outdated legacy application can restrict business growth, Application Modernisation can open new avenues for revenue, sometimes transforming entire business models. The opportunity to grow your business is improved dramatically within the Azure cloud.

How we work

Understanding Your Business

At ActionPoint, we understand that no two business environments are alike. We also appreciate that your core applications act as the lifeblood of the organisation. When undergoing application modernisation, we take the time to fully understand your organisation and its objectives. We do this through a discovery process which includes workshops, requirements gathering and diligent business analysis.

Guiding You Through the Decision-Making Process

Deciding to modernise existing applications can be an intimidating and daunting task. We will run through the most cost-efficient ways to adapt platforms and help you in the decision-making process. This includes deciding whether to create a new custom application from scratch, re-architect your legacy application into a new framework or implement a commercial off the shelf (COTS) solution.

Ready to Get Started?

Application Modernisation is an important decision for any organisation that can have a profound effect on future business. To ensure successful implementation, choose a partner you can trust to work with long term, one that will commit to truly understanding your business with a track record of delivering delivering outstanding results.

Contact us today and take the first steps towards protecting the future of your business.


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