Camlin is renowned for high quality engineering and design, developing market leading products and services and spanning over 20 countries across the globe.
Our Story
The Problem
Having begun their journey with ActionPoint in 2017 with a workforce of 300, Camlin are now 450 strong with an expected increase to 600 in the next 12 months. With the business expanding at a rapid pace, Camlin’s IT structure needed an overhaul to keep up.
The Solution
The goal for ActionPoint was to help establish a tidier IT operation to run, with less maintenance and better control. In order to allow key operations to function at their best, ActionPoint worked with Camlin to restructure their IT environment, by getting the foundations right that would allow Camlin to build upon for future growth and modernisation. It was essential to meet the needs of the organisation and set to scale, considering Camlin’s global footprint and the importance of security data protection. Camlin needed a world-class solution where data security was a priority.
When assessing Camlin’s current and future needs, ActionPoint recommended a Dell EMC SC5020 Array and SC400 with Dell Switches.
For servers, ActionPoint implemented the PowerEdge R460. PowerEdge servers give Camlin’s IT team high performance for a diverse set of workloads from the edge to the cloud to the core.
The Result
Having built a relationship as Camlin’s trusted IT partner, the past twelve months have seen excellent strides being made with a more sustainable network and a reliable infrastructure. An essential hardware refresh means that we are now on track in helping Camlin to achieve ISO 27001 Compliance.
Infrastructure Assessment, New hardware implementation,